

英 [ɡ'rɑ:sɪŋ]
美 [ɡ'rɑsɪŋ]


  • 释义


  • 英英释义


    • n.
      • narrow-leaved green herbage: grown as lawns; used as pasture for grazing animals; cut and dried as hay
      • German writer of novels and poetry and plays (born 1927)

        同义词:Gunter GrassGunter Wilhelm Grass

      • animal food for browsing or grazing


      • street names for marijuana

        同义词:potgreen goddessdopeweedgagesesssenssmokeskunklocoweedMary Jane

    • v.
      • shoot down, of birds
      • cover with grass

        "The owners decided to grass their property"

      • spread out clothes on the grass to let it dry and bleach
      • cover with grass

        同义词:grass over

      • feed with grass
      • give away information about somebody

        同义词:denouncetell onbetraygive awayratshitshopsnitchstag



    on the grass在草地上

    green grass绿色草,青草

    forage grass饲草

    grass carp草鱼,鲩鱼

    grass land草地;草滩

    keep off the grass不践踏草地;小心

    grass root基层;草根

    dry grass干草

    grass seed牧草种子;草籽

    grass green n. 草绿色

    lemon grass(柠檬)香茅

    tall grass茂草;高茎草

    artificial grass人造草皮

    leaves of grass草叶集(惠特曼的诗集)

    sea grass海草

    go to grass ◎(牲畜)被放牧在草场上,放牧,放草 , ◎(人)在乡间度假,休息 , ◎退隐,隐居乡村 , ◎(拳击手)被击倒;[俚语]被打倒,跌倒在地 , ◎[美国俚语]死去,入土;毁灭,完蛋 , ◎去你的,滚开!

    pasture grass牧草

    grass cloth夏布

    grass court草地网球场

    bahia grass[植]百喜草;巴哈雀稗



    Net for grassing
    Research prograssing of Enterobacter sakazakii
    Sealing film for flat roof grassing or tip and tunnel areas
    Whom can you trust? The politics of ‘grassing’ on an inner city housing estate
    The influence of grassing and harvest management on microbiological parameters after arable land setting-aside
    The ecological niche of main pests and natural enemies in grassing apple orchard
    ‘You Just Don’t Grass’: Youth, Crime and ‘Grassing’ in a Working Class Community
    Performance and carcass characteristics of steers finished in rotational grassing or feedlot.
    Some observations on the effect of grassing‐down, nitrogen fertilisation and irrigation on the growth, leaf nutrient content and fr...